In C++, you cannot directly create template structures, but you can create template classes that mimic the behavior of structures. Templates in C++ are primarily designed for classes and functions, but you can use them to achieve similar functionality for structures by using template classes.
Here's an example of how you might create a template class that behaves like a structure:
#include <iostream> template <typename T> class MyStruct { public: T data1; T data2; MyStruct(T val1, T val2) : data1(val1), data2(val2) {} // it is simple way of initialising data1=val1 and data2=val2, in this case {} will be empty as its role has been done by initialising list. Here val1 and val2 are arguments passed by user. void display() { std::cout << "Data 1: " << data1 << ", Data 2: " << data2 << std::endl; } }; int main() { MyStruct<int> intStruct(42, 77); intStruct.display(); MyStruct<double> doubleStruct(3.14, 2.718); doubleStruct.display(); return 0; }
A quick run of the above code block in visual mode of neovim runs by
:!g++ -std=c++20 /tmp/vim_cpp_exec.cpp -o /tmp/vim_cpp_exec && /tmp/vim_cpp_exec
which one can set the keymapping in vimrc file by
vnoremap <leader>pp :w! /tmp/vim_cpp_exec.cpp<CR>:!g++ -std=c++20 /tmp/vim_cpp_exec.cpp -o /tmp/vim_cpp_exec && /tmp/vim_cpp_exec<CR>
Just selecting the code and pressing ',pp' (here <leader> is mapped to ',')
Which gives the following ouput:
Data 1: 42, Data 2: 77
Data 1: 3.14, Data 2: 2.718